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Wear Your White Jeans with Confidence

We're coming into the season for white denim and I want you to feel confident when wearing white jeans. I've put together of list of 6 requirements for your best pair. Use these tips and you'll be able to embrace white jeans with effortless style!

#1 Choose a thicker material

The quality of the material makes all the difference! You’re looking for:

  1. Nothing sheer - no matter the color of your “white” pants, like ecru or ivory, etc.

  2. At least 95% stretch - this will help it not to pull or pucker

  3. “Hidden” pockets - you should not be able to see the lining of the pocket through your pants

#2 Nothing too tight or too baggy

If they’re puckering on your backside, you might want to go up a size!

When you are trying on white jeans, and you have to overthink it in the dressing room, they’re probably NOT the best for you.

#3 The perfect style

The style of jean that’s perfect for a white jean is straight-leg. Try a mid to high-rise (to keep everything tucked in a bit). A classic straight or wide leg denim in white is something you can pull out season after season.

#4 Check your underwear(because we don’t want to see it)

You absolutely want to be sure you won’t be able to see any panty lines if you’re wearing a skin tone, simple boyshort, like Soma’s vanishing boy short.

#5 Show a little skin at the ankle = show a little skin at the forearm

If you’re going to wear white jeans, and you are wearing a shoe where you can see your ankle, I want you to show your forearm as well. If you’re wearing a blazer, just push up your sleeves!

#6 Wear your shirt out

When you are wearing white denim, I want you to wear your shirt out. Do you always have to do that? No, but it’s a classier option. We won’t see your belly and it looks more elegant.

When you are shopping for white denim, keep these tips in mind - You are going to look fabulous!

BONUS TIP: Want some help making those white jeans work with everything else in your closet? Try the Closet Outfit Planner! It makes getting dressed a breeze instead of a burden.

100+ outfits all coordinated for you with an easy-to-follow guide to get you ready for the day, including tips for accessorizing!


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